Flink: A Cloud Based Picture Frame
By Ryan on 02/25/2014 3:29 AM

Flink is a digital photo frame that is cloud based which lets you and any authorized friends or family send pictures to the picture frame from your smartphone. Your dog just did something cute? Snap a picture of it and send it to Flink. Your baby just vomited on your husband? Take a picture and let your parents see it. You just took the hugest shit of your life and people won't believe you if you just tell them? Take a picture and let everyone see your new record. Depending on your group of friends be ready for pictures of genitalia, feces, and animals making love, as well as a foul message to go along with it. The Flink cloud photo frame has an 8 inch screen size with a resolution of 1024 x 768, and has a 4GB internal storage with unlimited cloud based storage. The Flink is still in a funding phase on Kickstarter, so go reserve yours now, and be sure to check out the frame in action via the video below.