This Duck Shaped Snowball Maker Lets You Build Your Own Army Of Ducks
By Ryan on 01/07/2022 11:41 AM

Snow season has come for many people around the world, meaning that snow days may be likely to follow. And while it’s fun throwing snowballs at friends and family, making snowmen, sledding, and generally doing any fun snow day activities, it’s nearly impossible to mold the perfect snowball, which can really dampen the experience. Not anymore! Now you or your kids can mold a perfect snowball, snowman, duck, or heart, with the perfect snowball maker set.
Offering three different varieties, you can either buy just a snow duckling maker, a perfect snowman maker and heart pack, or a four-pack including the snowman mold, the snow heart maker, the snow duck maker, as well as a perfect snowball mold. These plastic outdoor snow toys are the perfect tools for kids and families to enjoy snow days the right way. They’re also easy to use, and can be used to make duck or heart shaped snow art, or to build miniature snowmen molds and perfectly-round snowballs.
Whether your child is a snow art savant and wants to make flawless snow designs using these snow mold toys, or they just want their neighbors to see hearts, snowmen, and ducks before getting pelted with snow, these are a unique gift for any creative child that likes to play in the snow.
Another major benefit of these duck shaped snowball clamps is that they allow users to make snowballs without having to use their hands directly! Even with gloves on, this can make a major difference in keeping the hands warm, ultimately allowing you to win your snowball fight with longevity.
Grips are formed on the edge of each winter toy’s handle, making them even easier for kids of all ages (and adults, too!) to hold onto the snow molds. Each duck snowball maker comes in its own color, with a variety of assorted colors available for each snowball maker.
The pictured snowball mold tool comes in a light green or blue, while the heart snow toy is, perhaps unsurprisingly, red. In addition, the duckling snow tool is yellow, while the snowman maker can be blue or white, and also includes extra design features, including eyes, a nose, a mouth, a decorative scarf, and buttons.
And for those who aren’t experiencing winter at the moment, you can also use these kids’ plastic shape molds in the sand - build your own sandman to cool off in the hot summer sun! These snowball mold clips are also made of an extremely durable plastic according to the creators, HENGYA, snowball maker extraordinaire.
While these winter snow toys are still pretty new, and thus don’t have any reviews yet, the mechanism looks simple and fun enough that it may be a safe purchase to take the risk on - and then you can report back with the snowball maker’s first review! As you prepare for your next snowball fight with these perfect snowball makers, you might consider grabbing one of these winter trapper hats - if you do, you’ll definitely be the most unstoppable snowballer on the block, even if you get weird looks sometimes.
Check out the duck shaped snowball maker in action via the video below.
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