Book Mustache Easily Holds Your Book Open With a Mustache
By Ryan on 11/12/2015 2:01 AM

The Book Mustache is similar to the thumb book page holder in pretty much ever way, except, you know... it's made from a mustache. Why look at some plastic thing with no real shape that doesn't resemble anything awesome when you could use a mustache. A mustache makes everything better. Case in point, the mustache doormat, the mustache flask, or the mustache beer bottle attachment. But best of all, the entire time you're reading you get to have the sight of a beautiful mustache in your peripherals at all time. Unless you have a super fat and wide thumb that can easily hold the pages of your book open by itself, the mustache book page holder might be for you.
The mustache book holder consists of a hole that you stick your thumb through along with a mustache that holds your page open, and works perfectly for hardcover books, paperback books, and even magazines. The mustache book page holders are currently made using a 3D printer, but they are also running a Kickstarter campaign to get funding to get the book mustache made into a mold so it can be mass produced.