This Shotgun Beer Koozie Has a Button To Optionally Shotgun Your Beer
By Ryan on 07/06/2022 11:15 AM

How many times have you been drinking your beer, and you all of a sudden get the urge to shotgun the rest of it? For me, this happens about 2 to 3 times per day. Luckily, I have one of these unique beer koozies that gives you the option to shotgun your beer at anytime throughout your beer drinking progress.
To use the shotgun beer koozie, just place your beer inside the device just like you would with any standard beer koozie, then open your beer like normal.
Then, if you feel the urge to shotgun your beer at anytime, just push in the button on the side of the koozie and it'll puncture a hole in the side of the can, allowing air to flow through freely. This'll let the booze out as fast as possible into your gullet.
Not only does the beer koozie allow you to down your beer in just a few seconds by pushing in the button on the size of it, but it also just works as a regular beer koozie to keep your beer extra cold, while keeping your hand nice and toasty while grasping your beer.
The only thing you'll want to make sure is that when you push in the option shotgun beer button on the side of the koozie, that the button is facing outward, and you only push it as you're already drinking so that the beer won't come out the puncture you just made.
The beer koozie with the optional shotgun button, comes in a bunch of different colors and designs to choose from, is made from thick foam to fully insulate your beer and keep it cool for a long time, and will fit most 12 oz cans.
On the inside of the koozie is a small blunt edge that'll instantly put a hole in your beer upon pushing the button.
A perfect koozie for partying, the shotgun beer koozie is made from that "old school" 3/8 inch foam material which helps keep your beer super cold!
Just press the button on the side whenever you want to shotgun your beer! Be careful as it'll instantly pierce a hole in the side of your beer so have it up to your mouth ready to shotgun!