This Giant Motorized Dinosaur Pool Float Is The Ultimate Water Toy This Summer
By Ryan on 07/07/2022 9:14 AM

There's nothing we love more than when two unique products we've featured in the past become one extra awesome gadget with the best features of both! Well, that's just what happened with the giant dinosaur pool float, and the motorized pool float that we featured a while back. There's now this incredible giant dinosaur shaped pool float that has an integrated motor on it that lets you scoot around the pool with ease.
Made by Pool Candy, the giant dinosaur shaped pool float has a little joystick right in the center of the tube that lets you easily control where the dino goes within the pool. Just press red button on the joystick to go, and let go of the button to stop moving.
The giant dinosaur shaped motorized pool float is powered by 6 D-cell batteries (which are not included). Though they do state that the pool motor does work with both alkaline and rechargeable batteries.
The giant motorized float can support up to a 250 lb human while letting them roam freely around the pool!
A 66-watt motor sits underneath the dino float which spins a 3 blade propeller. Just use the joystick to scoot around the water while looking for shade, a snack, or a new beverage!
The giant dino float is made form heavy-duty PVC plastic, and comes included with a repair kit incase your float session gets a little out of had or another dinosaur decides to take a bite of your float.
They don't provide an exact measurement for the giant T-Rex motorized pool float, but by the looks of it, it seems to measure between6-7 feet long from face to tail.
Not only is there a giant T-Rex motorized pool float, but there's actually two other versions, including a unicorn, and a flamingo!
Both the flamingo and unicorn floats also come with an integrated joystick and motor to easily scoot around the water!
All versions of the animal shaped motorized pool floats come with a bottom in the tube, so you can either sit comfortable with your legs inside the tube, or rest your legs up and over the sides of the tube depending on your preference.