Barber's Edge: Trim Your Own Neckline Without a Mirror
By Ryan on 05/24/2017 10:20 AM (Updated: 06/22/2017 9:50 AM)

If I go one week without trimming my neck hair, I look like some sort of man-beast that doesn't quite belong in society. It's like my hair becomes one with my back, and even though I'm actually wearing a sweater, it looks like I'm shirtless. This is why it's essential to trim your neck hair on a weekly basis or at the bare minimum a bi-weekly basis.
Now usually, your significant other or roommate bares the brunt of having to trim your neck hair. But, with this new product called the Barber's Edge, you can trim your neck hair all by yourself without the need for a setup of 7 angled mirrors to see the back of your neck.
The Barber's Edge is a device that gets placed on the back of your neck, and gives you the perfect line to blindly shave your neck while protecting the actual neck line so you don't accidentally trim anything that shouldn't be trimmed.
You can attach the Barber's Edge hairline trimmer to the back of a hat using two included clips, you can attach it to a band that wraps around your head, or you could even just hold it in place while you trim your neck.
Whether you like rounded corners or squared off corners on your neckline, the Barber's Edge has you covered. By default the device has rounded edges, but it comes with cutting lines that allow you to remove the rounded edges and use squared off corners instead.
Perfect for use with the DIY back shaver, the Barber's Edge no look hairline trimmer comes with two clips that allow you to adjust perfectly to your neck hairline, and allows you to trim your own neckline in under 30 seconds.
Check out the Barber's Edge DIY hairline trimmer in action via the video below.