Bacon Bookmark
By Ryan on 06/08/2016 7:01 AM

What better way to keep your spot in your book than with a slab of wet meat. Although not actually wet, the bacon bookmark looks pretty much exactly like a moist slice of raw bacon, and will have you drooling for some crispy bacon each time you start and finish reading your book. Perfect to use while your bacon scarf is wrapped around your neck, with your bacon blanket draped over your body for extra warmth, while you put together your bacon jig-saw puzzle with your other hand while reading, the bacon bookmark will bring your love for bacon into the light for all to see.
Sold by the Japanese site, the bacon bookmark is one of many food related bookmarks that the site offers, with others including a slab of salmon, an egg, a pancake, a slice of watermelon, and more all in bookmark form. Unfortunately, since the bacon bookmark is sold on a Japanese website, it's going to be a little tough to navigate through the site. So good luck on your bacon bookmark purchasing adventure.