Awkward Family Photos 2016 Calendar (Day-To-Day)

By Ryan on 12/22/2015 6:39 AM

Awkward Family Photos 2016 Calendar (Day-To-Day)

If the  pooping dogs 2016 calendar wasn't your style, maybe a calendar of awkward family photos will be more-so up your alley. Each day features a new awkward photo that you can hang in your home or office that you and your family or coworkers get to stare at awkwardly in amazement. Whether each photo is awkward because of an inappropriate pose, poor wardrobe or hairstyle choices, or backgrounds and drops that just don't work out, each month will be a new adventure as you gaze into each family's life from years ago and imagine how normal it probably was at the time, but how awkward it has become.

Made after the popular website, the Awkward Family Photos 2016 calendar contains a glorious 640 pages of awkward photos, and measures 6.9 inches wide x 6 inches tall x 2.6 inches thick.

Awkward Family Photos Calendar 2016

Awkward Family Photos Calendar 2016

Awkward Family Photos Calendar 2016

Awkward Family Photos Calendar 2016

Awkward Family Photos Calendar 2016

Awkward Family Photos Calendar 2016

Awkward Family Photos Calendar 2016

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