3ANGLE: A Smart Watch That Uses a Constantly Changing Triangle To Tell The Time
By Ryan on 07/08/2015 3:25 AM

The 3ANGLE is a concept watch that uses a constantly changing triangle to display the time. The the three sides of the triangle represent the hour hand, minute hand, and second hand, and every 5 seconds the triangle updates it's shape to display the correct time. The largest dot represents the hour hand, the medium sized dot represents the minute hand, and smallest dot represents the second hand which updates with each 5 second interval. Although the triangle pretty much makes the watch harder to read the time, the uniqueness and incredible design of the watch make up for it. Plus just watching the triangle on the clock face move makes it seem like you're playing some sort of amazing game, and with each 5 seconds that passes you win a little more.
Designed By Rasam Rostami, an Iranian designer that specializes in UI/UX design, the 3ANGLE triangle smart watch is unfortunately just a concept for now, but if the watch were to come to fruition at some point, consider me a customer, or if not it's own watch maybe make it into a custom watch face for the 360 Moto Android smart watch, similar to how someone made an N64 Goldeneye watch face for it.
Check out the 3ANGLE triangle concept watch in action via the video below.
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