Don't Smash Bugs, Zap Them With This Zappinator
By Ryan on 08/27/2019 11:49 AM

When it comes to flies there is something so satisfying about winding up and giving them a good whack with a fly swatter, but the feeling gets a bit less satisfying and a little more terrifying when you're dealing with june bugs, centipedes, scorpions and more. With the Zappinator you can kill a plethora of bugs on contact - no need for that big windup and then worry as to whether you got them...ahhh!!! The 4500 volts of power will ensure you get them every time!
And what makes the Zappinator even better is that it does double duty! Once you've killed that cockroach, you can use the top of the paddle as a scoop to whisk the bugs dead carcass away. Flimsy fly swatters often result in you dropping dead bugs all over your house - yuck! But the rigid frame of this zapper will ensure every bug makes it to its final resting place.
Did you lose your little critter in the dark? No worries, the Zappinator comes with an LED light to provide you better visibility to find the creepy crawlies. You can also adjust the handle to make sure you make the best contact with that ugly bug.
How Is The Zappinator Powered?
The Zappinator uses AA batteries so it can be used anywhere...inside or outside!
How Does The Zappinator Work?
The first step is to determine what kind of bug you just it a "regular" bug or is it a big bug? Regular bugs can meet their demise by using the regular setting on the Zappinator. But for those Moby Dick bugs the Zappinator also provides a high setting to make sure the job is done right the first time!
Now that you've got the right setting you simply touch the bug with the grid. This can be done in the air as you swat at a fly or mosquito, or it can be done on the floor or wall as you press the grid against the bug...that's it...*zap and that bug has lost all the scurry in their step. There is no need to whack, a simple dignified contact is enough to send that bug to the next life.
What Bugs Can The Zappinator Kill?
This zapper will protect you from all insects that invade your home. It's capable of killing every species of Cockroaches, Spiders, Scorpions, Wasps, Beetles, Flies, Mosquitoes, and more.
Another positive about the Zappinator is that it is 100% Green! When using this device you no longer need to use aerosols and poisons that can be damaging to the environment and people - perfect if you have pets or kids!
Now, I know some of you will be tempted to test this out on yourself or a cronie, but I have to let you know that the Zappinator is not intended for human use...