This Genius Wine Gun Opens Your Bottle Of Wine With the Pull of a Trigger
By Ryan on 12/16/2019 2:24 PM

Have you ever felt that you needed wine so badly that you're willing to do some awful things for it. Like, you're sitting in traffic on your way home from work to your one true love (a bottle of Pinot), and you get some dark thoughts about what kind of deal you'd make with the Devil to get a glass in your hands right now.
Colors: Silver | Black | Pink
Well, now you can properly take your rage out once you get home from a stressful day at work with this wine gun. It's essentially a giant gun that will open your bottle of wine with the pull of the trigger. Simply pull the trigger and all the bad things will go away, including your sobriety.
It's really just an electric wine opener in gun form, where the on switch is the trigger. Quite genius really... The wine gun is completely wireless as it uses an internal battery to keep its charge. You can set the gun down in its holster to charge it up for the next bottle once your done with it.
A perfect gift idea for Mom, or any drinker, the Wine Gun is made by WineOvation, comes in either silver or pink colors to choose from, and will open up to 30 bottles of wine on one single charge. The wine gun also comes with a foil cutter, uses a high-end rubber-coated handle for an ergonomic design, and measures approximately 12 inches long.
To get a cork out of the bottle, pull the trigger backwards, and then to get the cork out of the wine gun simply push the trigger forward to move the corkscrew backwards.
Check out the wine gun in action via the video below.