Trolley Bags Save You From Having To Use Plastic Bags at The Grocery Store
By Ryan on 01/08/2016 6:26 AM (Updated: 09/15/2016 11:20 AM)

Trolley Bags are large reusable bags that you can use each time you go to the grocery store to save yourself from using plastic bags that will essentially just end up in the ocean killing and murdering schools and schools of fish and marine wildlife. If you're Ok with the murdering of hundreds if not trillions of marine wildlife just so you can carry your dirty old soup cans home a little easier, then by all means continue down that treacherous road.
To use the bags simply hang them from the back of your cart and shop normally. Then, once all your groceries are on the conveyor belt when checking out, simply place the bags inside the cart and spread them open. Instead of placing all your items into plastic bags, you can now use these reusable bags to get your groceries home with ease (and murder free).
The trolley bags are sold as a set of 4 bags and are differently colored so that you can pack each colored bag however you feel. Maybe you would want to put your fresh fruit and vegetables in the green bag, meat in the red bag, frozen stuff in the blue bag, and whatever else in the orange bag, or really you could just jam everything inside the bags as fast as possible without a care in the world as to what bag each item is in. It's up to you...
The trolley bags are super strong and can carry whatever you put in them, unlike paper and plastic bags which have a pretty small weight limit. Each bag has two rods that hold the bag up on the cart which can be easily removed to wash the bags, and each rod measures 26 inches wide, so as long as your cart isn't wider than that the trolley bags should fit in the cart.
Check out the Trolley Bags in action via the video below.
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