StandStand: A Portable Standing Desk
By Ryan on 10/06/2014 4:42 AM

StandStand is a portable standing desk that collapses down to just over an inch thick and will easily fit along side your laptop in your laptop bag. Simply take the three pieces of wood, clip them together using your excellent craftsmanship skills, place it on your desk, and you will have a simple yet elegant desk that will allow you to stand while working. No longer will you have a backbone that resembles an S, when you feel like standing, simply take your laptop and place it on the StandStand, stand up, start working, and laugh at all the sheep around you that are working while they're sitting and looking like cavemen.
The StandStand is not only a beautiful wooden make-shift desk made from Baltic Birch Plywood and Bamboo, but it's stronger than an ox, as it can withstand over 900 lbs of weight on top of it, so you and your overweight girlfriend can have a little dance party on top of it with no problem. Also, the portable standing desk is currently in a funding phase on Kickstarter with an estimated delivery date of December of 2014, so go reserve yours now, and be sure to check it out in action via the video below.