Slända: Self Balancing Pen
By Ryan on 02/27/2014 5:54 AM

The Slända (Swedish for Dragonfly) pen is a self-balancing pen that uses its weight on the tip of it to stay upright. No longer will you have to reach all the way down to the surface of your desk to pick up your pen, with the end of the pen floating 4 inches in the air, you will save loads of energy that you can now use elsewhere, such as lifting cheeseburgers into your mouth, or unwrapping the tinfoil from that burrito. The Slända pen has an elegant and modern design that is supposed to resemble a dragonfly as it is able to shift directions in a split-second, and hover over surfaces without moving. The Slanda pen is a ballpoint pen, and comes in 4 different colors: black, red, white, and turquoise. Check out the pen in action via the video below.
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