This Ridiculous New Device Lets You Flick With The Power Of a Thousand Suns
By Ryan on 01/08/2020 11:52 AM

We all remember flicking each others shoulders, heads, ears, and everywhere else when we were kids in order to retaliate, or just inflict pain onto our friends for no particular reason. Now, here we are as adults, and at times, you may still have an inkling to still flick someone, or just to take your flicking rage out on inanimate objects around your house or in your garage. Luckily, someone has invented these absurd little device that lets you flick with more power than you'll know what to do with.
It's oddly called the Otun Tricky Tool, and it uses springs to assist your flicking and give it much more power behind it. A leather strap wraps around your wrist which it uses as a base to gain leverage to pull on metal springs that pull on metal slabs that attach to anyone of your fingers that you'd like to flick with.
You can actually attach three to the same wrist strap, giving three of your fingers the ultimate flicking power.
Once setup, you can pull the springs back and put your finger into the flicking motion. Then, once you release and flick your finger, the power of a thousand suns will be released onto whatever unfortunate person or object your flicking. If not the power of a thousand suns, whatever the force from three metal springs would be given to your finger instead.
The weird and unique flicking tool is sold on Amazon, and not much is really known about it since it seems to be sold by someone who doesn't really speak English very well. Some gems from the Amazon description include:
"Using this product is more expensive, you may create a concussion if you accidentally!"
"Not only can friends entertain! Can also be used as a bottle opener! Let you be the protagonist at the party!"
"Devil-like tidy, let your friends remember you forever! (a toy that allows a friend to die)"
"With this product, I believe that no friends will not give you face! If you have to get him!"
The Amazon reviews are also pretty special for this unique product, with some saying they've killed their friends, and other saying they've used it for "other purposes". Even if you don't plan on buying such a ridiculous product, the Amazon reviews are worth a read.