The Liquor Log Dispenses Your Booze Through An Actual Log
By Ryan on 03/01/2022 8:14 PM

There's nothing more manly than wood and whiskey, and what better way to combine them then to pour your liquor through a nozzle coming out of a log. The log liquor dispensers are made from actual cuts of wood from urban harvested Ohio hardwood trees. A cut is made in the center of each log with a food and beverage safe PVC pipe stuck inside that diverts your booze to the dispenser.
To use it simply turn the garden-hose-type-nozzle that's protruding from the log to start the flow of booze into your cup, and turn the nozzle back to stop the flow. The liquor log uses simply gravity to make it work, so once you've put your bottle in, you're committed, unless you want to risk spilling booze all over the place.
Created and sold by Ohio Woodworking Shop, each liquor log dispenser is made with a unique piece of wood, so no two log dispensers will look alike.
The dispensers come with either blue or red nozzle handles that are chosen for you, are made from various American hardwood trees.
The wood has a satin finish, and each log will measure approximately 4 to 6 inches in diameter and around 8 inches long.
The liquor dispensers made from a real wood log are made by an Ohio based shop called Ohio Woodworking Shop.
Each log liquor dispenser will have its own unique look since they're made from real logs!
To use the log liquor dispenser just open any liquor bottle, and quickly tip it upside down into the opening on the log. The nozzle on the bottom will allow you start and stop the flow of the liquor into your glass placed under the log.