You Can Now Get a Giant 40lb Bag Of Just Lucky Charm's Marshmallows
By Ryan on 06/15/2021 9:14 AM

Why eat any of the healthier parts of Lucky Charms cereal when you can just have the marshmallows? In-fact, why not just buy a 40 lb pound bag of them? Yes, you can actually buy a giant bag of strictly Lucky Charm's Marshmallows, without any of the healthy stuff in it right on Amazon.
Sizes: 1 lb | 3 lb | 40 lb
You will get shipped a giant case of Lucky Charm's Marshmallows, that you probably won't know what to do with. But I'm sure you'll figure it out over time. If you don't actually want to eat them, I'm sure there are an assortment of pranks you could use the Marshmallows on.
Via Imgur
Although not actually the Lucky Charms brand, you'll technically be receiving a giant bag of dehydrated cereal marshmallows. But we all know what you'll really be getting.
Via WeeklyItemVideo
How many calories is in the giant 40lb bag of Lucky Charm's marshmallows?
If you're watching your figure, chances are you're in the wrong place. But if you actually are wondering how many calories are in a giant bag of Lucky Charm's marshmallows that weighs 40lbs, someone actually did the math!
"MyFitnessPal estimates 7 grams of dried marshmallows to be 25 calories. That makes this 40 lb bag 453,592.5 calories. If you are watching your diet at about 2000 calories per day, you could eat nothing but marshmallows from this bag for the next 226.8 days.
Can you swim in this giant 40 lb bag of dehydrated marshmallows?
Believe it or not someone did some real critical thinking on this question as well. An Amazon user asked "Just how BIG is the package of marshmallows that are being delivered? I am hoping to swim through them like Scrooge McDuck....". Someone answered with some pretty great info if you're looking to swim in a ton of dehydrated marshmallows like Scrooge McDuck did in his money!
"You could hot tub in them, or better yet a kiddie pool. Forty pounds is a lot, but to swim, you'd need more like 120."
Image credit: Reddit
Check out the giant bag of Lucky Charm's Marshmallows in action via the video below.