EdgeOpener: Open A Beer With The Edge Of Your Table
By Ryan on 07/27/2015 8:30 AM

Sure you could always use a fancy bottle opener that you can pick up and pry the bottle top open with weak little girl arms, but there is really no fun in that. The Edge Opener is a bottle opener that attaches to the edge of any counter, table, or surface that allows you to smash the bottle open with your hand using the edge of the table just like a manly savage would do. Not only that but, the Edge Opener is magnetic so you won't have beer bottle tops flying every which way whenever you open a beer. To use it, simply place your bottle of beer next to the Edge Opener with your bottle cap resting on top of the edge with the rest of the beer bottle straight down (not at an angle), then simply smash the beer bottle down using a fist or an open palm, and you will be left with an opened beer that is ready for consumption.
The table edge bottle opener attaches to any surface using an adhesive strip or you can optionally screw it into your table if it's some sort of workbench that you don't mind drilling a hole into. The opener is made from either stainless steel, aluminum, or brass, depending on your preference, comes in a few different colors to choose from, and comes in two different sizes, a smaller opener that measures 1 inch x 1 inch x 1 inch, and a larger model that measures 2 inches x 1.5 inches x 1 inch.
Sure you could always try to smash your beer bottle open by using the existing edge of the counter top, but you will either make a rather noticeable mark in your counter or just completely break a chunk of your counter straight off like Gob from Arrested Development has done in the GIF below.
The Edge Opener is currently in a funding phase on Kickstarter with an estimated delivery date of November 2015, so go reserve yours now, and be sure to check out the table edge bottle opener in action via the video below.
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