This Dropdown Spice Rack Cabinet Drawer Lets You Easily Access All Your Spices
By Ryan on 09/03/2022 10:10 AM

We've seen a few spice rack organizing ideas over the years, such as the spicy rack or the roto caddy, but none have been quite as elegant, accessible, and satisfying to use as this unique Dropdown spice rack cabinet drawer. It pulls down the entire spice rack to make everything inside of it easily accessible.
Versions: Drop-down | Levitating
Instead of just having a few spices available to view like you would normally get in a normal cabinet, the Dropdown spice cabinet makes every spice available to view and pick out. It's perfect for short people, the elderly, or for the disabled who can't reach high or stand up form a wheelchair.
The spices in the dropdown cabinet aren't layered 10 deep like a normal cabinet anymore, as now each one is perfectly viewable and readable.
No more digging through your cabinet, pulling out 20 spices just to view the ones in the back.
The unique design of the dropdown cabinets actually won a design award in 2018 for the most innovative concept at the National Hardware Show, and are repeat winner of Kitchen & Bath Business magazine’s 2015 and 2016 Product Innovator Award.
The unique pull-down spice rack cabinet requires just 4 inches of overhead cabinet space, and allows you to house up to 36 bottles of spices. Just pull down the vertical drawer using the handle, and it'll bring all of your spices around a 12 inches lower than they were in the cabinet, and revealing all the spices right at your fingertips.
Not only does the pull-down spice rack cabinet help you hide all of your spices away and make them easily accessible when you need them, but it also keeps your counter-top more organized and gives you the ability to store things other essential cooking utensils below the cabinet.
The dropdown spice rack comes in both right and left facing versions, so depending on how your kitchen is setup, you can have the spices be revealed on either the left or right sides of the device.
The unique spice rack will take roughly 30-45 minutes to fully install, and comes with full instructions and even an instructional video to help you install.
Dropout Cabinets, the company that makes the pull-down spice rack cabinet also makes a slew of other unique easy access cabinets, including one for Keurig K-Cups, a pull-out garbage bin cabinet, a hideaway ironing center, a dropaway desk keyboard revealer, and a levitating pull-out cabinet.