Candle Poise - An Adjustable Cande Holder
By Ryan on 07/14/2015 3:46 AM

The Candle Poise is an adjustable candle holder that functions the same way a desk lamp would where you can take the end of it and swivel it into any position you like. Made with flexible spring tension joints, the adjustable candle holder can easily be put into essentially any position of your pleasing, although it might be best to keep the candle somewhat upright, unless you're doing some kinky stuff with some dripping wax. Designed to be a mix of modern technology with old fashioned antiquated ways of doing things where you actually needed a candle to read or do much of anything at night, the adjustable candle holder is a perfect addition to your rustic or vintage home design.
Made by SUCK UK, a UK based product design company, the adjustable candle holder is made with 5 neck joints that keep the candle upright at all times, plus it has a wax catch at the bottom so the wax won't splatter onto your book or whatever is below the candle holder.
The adjustable candle holder is made from metal, uses a weighted base to keep the candle from tipping over when fully stretched out, weighs 4 lbs, and measures 14.2 inches tall x 13 inches wide x 6.3 inches deep.