Bug-a-Salt Salt Gun Shoots Salt Pellets To Combat Bugs and Home Pests
By Ryan on 12/15/2017 10:19 AM (Updated: 08/15/2018 8:27 AM)

Bugs. They kind of rule the Earth, plus they're icky, nasty, and all over our foods whenever we eat outside. They invade our picnics and our homes. This madness has to end. Either they will rule the world or we will, and this is all out war. Time for an A-Salt! The Bug-a-Salt Salt Gun shoots salt pellets to put bugs in their place, and get them off our food!
To use it, just load the gun up with any regular table salt you may have in your cabinet at home, cock the gun, remove the safety, and pull the trigger. The bug salt gun will then shoot out a small load of salt at whatever you're aiming at. It's completely air-powered, and requires no batteries to use.
If you came to chew bubblegum and kick ass, and you find yourself all out of bubblegum, here's your weapon of choice. This salt gun lets you go all Rambo on roaches, flies, and other pests both in and outside your home.
The ammo? Just ordinary table salt. It will kill flies, mosquitoes, roaches, cabbage worms, aphids, stinkbugs, and more. You're going down bugs! Shoot off a round and catch bugs in mid-flight even. We all hate bugs so this handy salt gun makes a great gift and it even includes a 90 day warranty.
This version of the bug-a-salt salt gun shoots a larger load of salt compared to previous models, to combat even larger pests outdoors. The device is non-toxic, and measures 23 inches long x 8 inches tall x 3 inches wide.
Shoot 'em dead, then shoot 'em again to pour salt into the wound. Nah. That's not necessary, I was just being way too happy about this amazing new weapon. Pests will be a thing of the past.
Check out the Bug-a-Salt salt gun that combats bugs and other pests in action via the video below.