You Can Get An Arcade Coin Slot Belt Buckle That Lights Up
By Ryan on 02/23/2022 12:00 PM

Arcade coin slot mechanisms must be one of the worst functioning devices of mankind's time on Earth. My Childhood memories are riddled with memories of sliding in quarters into arcade games, and other types of games, and for one never getting the credits into the machine, and two never getting the quarters back when you push in the red part for a refund.
Credit: IfIndustries
In fact, my guess is that they never designed the machine to actually refund quarters, but they made the quarter input slot be pushable and act like a refund button so that they have something to blame.
Credit: IfIndustries
This belt buckle is made to look and function just like a regular arcade coin slot, as in fact it's made from real parts from an actual arcade coin slot, plus, the belt buckle even lights up and illuminates red just like the real deal.
Credit: IfIndustries
Handmade from wires, solder, batteries, zinc alloy, and actual arcade slot parts, the arcade coin slot belt buckle consists of just the belt buckle, so you will need to attach it to your own belt that can fit belt buckles.
Credit: IfIndustries
The belt buckle has a switch on the back of it that turns on the red light which illuminates the face of the coin slot, the buttons are made from using Wells Gardener/Coin Controls coin door parts, and the front of the buckle it says "50 ยข", along with the text below it that reads "Push To Reject".
Credit: IfIndustries
The geeky arcade coin belt buckle's internal light is powered via a battery, so you may need to replace it if you use it enough!
Credit: IfIndustries
It's the perfect gift idea for any geek, gamer, or cosplayer!
Credit: IfIndustries
The universal attachment of the geeky belt buckle allows it to be attached to practically and kind of belt!
Credit: IfIndustries
The arcade insert coin belt buckle comes with just the belt buckle, so you'll need to provide your own belt!
Credit: IfIndustries
The belt buckle is made from a genuine used insert coin arcade piece, a backlit LED is then added in that's powered by a battery!
Credit: IfIndustries
It's made form arcade parts, zinc alloy, solder, and recycled telephone wires!
Credit: IfIndustries
You can grab the insert coin light-up arcade button belt buckle from the Etsy shop ifindustries, for around $42 bucks!
Credit: IfIndustries