The SlideAway Is a Toy Storage Container That Makes For Easy Cleanup
By Ryan on 10/11/2021 3:12 PM

Fear is lying in bed, needing a glass of water, but remembering your kid was playing with LEGOs before you went to bed. As you slowly walk to the kitchen, you know it's your destiny to step on a rogue block that didn't make it back into the storage container. It is my strong belief that you don't know pain until you have walked across a LEGO...Thanks to the SlideAway Basket, you no longer need to worry about rouge small toys lying in wait for your bare feet to walk across them.
The Slideaway Play Mat
The SlideAway Basket features a built in 52" play mat that allows kids to spread their toys out on - ensuring they find that pink car or green magnatile they were looking for. You just need to pull the play mat out of the storage basket and spread it out. Then, using a handle on the bottom of the basket you can dump the toys out onto the mat for hours of fun!
The two-inch lip around the play mat helps to keep the toys contained in the hopes that they don't end up spread all over the entire room. With a play mat this large, multiple kids can play at the same time.
Easy Cleanup with the Slideaway toy mat
When the kiddos are done playing, you simply use the handles on the sides of the mat to lift and create a toy slide, and watch the toys easily and quickly SlideAway for cleanup in seconds. The play mat is attached to the inside of the basket so you can tuck it into the basket on top of the toys once they are all in. Then just place the basket lid on and clean up is done!
When they toys are not in use, they are stored in a stylish 12 x 15" storage basket. The basket comes in two color options: grey and grey stripe, so it's sure to fit in with any living room, kids room, or playroom decor - it actually looks like a basket you want to display! The basket has sturdy rope handles so you can easily move it to whatever storage or play location you like best.
Storage and Play On-The-Go With The Slideaway
Creative QT has also designed a travel SlideAway drawstring bag. The travel bag includes the same great play mat, just in a smaller scale - fit for use in public. You can now pack your markers, beads, cars, or whatever other small toys your kids love best and not fret about them spilling in your bag or rolling everywhere while having lunch. A diaper bag essential.
Check out the Slideaway toy collection mat and basket in action via the video below.