Leano: A Lightweight Minimalist Chair That Can Roll Up
By Ryan on 05/19/2015 3:23 AM

The Leano is a very minimalist lightweight chair that basically consists of a piece of cloth and a few pieces of wood, and is probably something you could fashion yourself if you were lost in the woods using the skin of a sheep and a few sticks. Although the Leano is probably going to work a little better than that monstrosity you just built. Simply unroll the packed chair, sit down on the cloth, prop the sticks up so they're standing upright, and then just leanback and enjoy the state of sitting. The Leano uses magnets to connect the two poles that touch the ground to the main piece of wood that's attached to the fabric to make it super easy to put together and take apart. Once you're done with your sitting session simply disconnect the poles and roll it back up.
Touted as being lighter than an iPad air, the Leano is made from durable yet lightweight beechwood, will work on any surface imaginable, although use with care if the surface is slippery like glass or tile. The chair also offers a plethora of different fabric colors to choose from, and is very easy to carry around as it measures just 19.2 inches tall and just a few inches wide when fully rolled up.
The Leano is currently in a funding phase on Kickstarter with an estimated delivery date of October 2015, so go reserve yours now, and be sure to check out the Leano in action via the video below.
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