9MM Hand Gun Lighter With Dual Flame

By Ryan on 01/29/2016 8:43 AM

9MM Hand Gun Lighter With Dual Flame

This little hand gun is actually a lighter that you can use to light your cigarette or just light stuff on fire if that's your thing. Simply point it at your face and pull the trigger, assuming you have a cigarette in your mouth. Made to look like a 9MM hand gun, and quite a realistic one at that, besides being a quarter of the actual size, the hand gun lighter is perfect to light a cigarette, start your BBQ, or just to have on hand in case you're one of those people who always like to be prepared for everything. Plus it will go perfect with the AR-15 Rifle BBQ lighter you already have, assuming you're an avid Odditymall reader!

The 9MM hand gun lighter has a flame that comes out quickly and is quit large, is a butane lighter with a dual flame that comes out the barrel of the gun, comes in either metal or chrome colors to choose from, and is refillable so you an use it over and over again.

9MM Hand Gun Butane Lighter - Dual flame

Check out the 9MM hand gun butane lighter in action via the video below.

9MM Hand Gun Butane Lighter - Dual flame

9MM Hand Gun Butane Lighter - Dual flame

9MM Hand Gun Butane Lighter - Dual flame

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