Grammar Police Badge Patch
By Ryan on 11/26/2013 6:10 AM (Updated: 12/03/2017 9:51 PM)

You're spelling is fantastic, we all know it, you let us know evertime you read somethin, so why not put a badge onto you're jacket that will signify to others that if there in need of spelling asistance or grammer help, you are the person to go to in a emergency. This badge will let the world know just how good you spell!
You're new badge will now act as a beecon of correctiveness in this often misenformed world of letters and punctuashion. Youve now been hired into an eleet group of members witch are better then the majority of sosiety, and you can therefore look down upon the rest of us.
The Grammar police badge batch is perfect for the grammar nazi in your household, or someone who Just love's authority in general. The grammer badge Reads 'TO CORRECT AND SERVE', and measures 3.5 inches wide x 3.125 inches tall.
The grammar police badge come's in too different versions, one of witch has a apple on it, and another that has an pencil on it.
Note: please inform us of any gramar mistake's in this article within the Comment section below!