CycleAT is a Tire Monitor For Your Bike
By Ryan on 07/24/2014 6:18 AM

The CycleAT is a tire-pressure monitoring system that you can attach to your bicycle or motorcycle that sends real-time data to your smartphone, including tire pressure, temperature, movement data, motion data, speed, and detailed ride mapping. Created by RDV Labs, the CycleAT sends data to your phone via Bluetooth and syncs up to an app that can provide visual and audible cues that lets you know if your tires are low. In case you need to add or remove air to or from your tire, the CycleAT has a snorkel on the top of it that lets you do it without having to remove the device from your tire. The only thing I worry about is what's to stop some grubby bum from unscrewing these from your bike when you have your bicycle locked up on a corner, or your motorcycle is out parked on the street?
The CycleAT comes in a set of 2, and is powered by battery, but when not in motion goes in to a deep sleep to save battery, once you start to move your bike the device will wake up and start tracking immediately. The battery is still rechargeable via a cord that plugs into the valve on the device. The CycleAT is currently in a funding phase on Kickstarter, so go reserve yours now, and be sure to check out the bike tire monitor in action via the video below.