This Apple Watch Case Turns Your Watch Into a Tiny iPod! Nostalgia Overload!
By Ryan on 08/09/2022 9:40 AM

It's quite unfortunate that one of Apple's most innovative products ever is no longer made or sold by the company. What I wouldn't give to have my iPod back and scroll through all my old songs and hear that fabulous clicking sound! If you got rid of your iPod, or perhaps it no longer works, you're in luck, as there's now this incredibly designed Apple Watch case that converts your watch body into a tiny little iPod that actually works and functions just like the old iPod!
Credit: Joyce Kang & C.O Design Lab
It's called the Apple Watch Pod Case, and how it works is, you simply remove the bands from your Apple Watch, then slide it into this silicone case where it connects via Bluetooth to the controls on the case.
Credit: Joyce Kang & C.O Design Lab
Once your Apple Watch is inside the case, it transforms into a tiny iPod that has a screen size that's roughly the same size as the iPod Nano!
Credit: Joyce Kang & C.O Design Lab
You can then control your Apple Watch interface using the dial pad on the front of the Pod Case just like you used to control an actual iPod by circling your thumb around to scroll through your songs and artists.
Credit: Joyce Kang & C.O Design Lab
Since your Apple Watch already connects to your Air Pods, you can simply continue using them instead of using the old corded ear buds that the old iPods used to use.
Credit: Joyce Kang & C.O Design Lab
If you'd rather listen to your music without the Air Pods or ear buds, this unique Apple Watch iPod case even comes with integrated speakers so you can listen right from the case for all to hear.
Credit: Joyce Kang & C.O Design Lab
Since your watch also has Siri available, you can also just opt to tell Siri what you'd like to listen to rather than scrolling through your songs.
Credit: Joyce Kang & C.O Design Lab
Though this Apple Watch case that turns it into a tiny iPod sure looks amazing, it's unfortunately just a concept for now.
Credit: Joyce Kang & C.O Design Lab
The unique Apple Watch pod case was designed by Joyce Kang and C.O Design Lab as they brought the unique would-be product to life using 3D rendering.
Credit: Joyce Kang & C.O Design Lab
Now, we just need Apple or another case manufacturer to take notice and actually make one of these Apple Watch iPod cases that we can actually use!
Credit: Joyce Kang & C.O Design Lab
If it is ever for sale, it would ideally come in a plethora of different color options to choose from, just like the old iPods used to have.
Credit: Joyce Kang & C.O Design Lab
Joyce Kang, one of the designers behind the Apple Watch iPod case posted the renderings to her Behance page, where they had a huge response with tons of people commenting on the design.
Credit: Joyce Kang & C.O Design Lab
Some of the responses include: "Great design, I want one!", "Wanna be a reseller of this product", "Would love to have this", and "This gonna be insane, if apple acknowledge it".
Credit: Joyce Kang & C.O Design Lab
It's pretty clear, that the demand for this concept product is there, now we just need someone to actually make it!
Credit: Joyce Kang & C.O Design Lab
What would you pay for a product like this Apple Watch iPod case? If it was fully functional with the dial wheel, and had those same nostalgic clicking sounds, I'm sure people would pay ungodly amounts of money for it! Though, if I had to guess, I would say somewhere around $150 would be pretty reasonable.