This Company Makes Incredible Custom Auto-Rotating Shoe Racks For Your Closet
By Ryan on 11/21/2019 1:37 PM

We all know that friend, family member or loved-one that just owns way too many shoes. You have to wonder how they could possible every wear them, yet they always have a reason as to the number of shoes they own, such as they're each for certain circumstances and events... Depending on the person with said shoe addiction, they may have them all stuffed into a garbage bag, or they may have one of these incredible auto-rotating shoe racks in their closet.
The custom electric shoe rack is made and designed by the company Maurice's Furniture, a Florida based company that builds custom furniture, including custom kitchen cabinetry, custom kitchen islands, custom vanities, custom tables, and of course custom built-in closets.
For one of their projects, a homeowner wanted one of these incredible custom electric shoe racks that auto-rotate with just the push of a button. Not much is known about the rotating shoe rack other than what's shown in a short video posted onto their YouTube channel.
It looks as though you can simply push a button up or down to automatically rotate the shoe rack forward or backwards. The electric shoe rack is set up with two separate cabinets that each have their own switch to rotate the shoes around. From what it looks like in the image on their website portfolio, there's around 12-13 different shelves on the shoe rack that rotate around between being showcased on the front and hidden in the back row. As you rotate the shoe rack forward you reveal new shoes that were hidden in the back shelves.
An employee responds with approximate pricing on the custom motor-driven shoe rack
Another company called Storage Motion makes a similar auto-rotating shoe rack that moves forward and backward with just the push of a button. It looks as though prices start at around $2,200 for their rotating shoe rack, although there device seem to not be custom designed to your closet. It also looks like they just provide the plans and materials, and you have to install it yourself or find a handyman to do it for you.
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Check out the custom auto-rotating motor-driven shoe rack in action via the video below.
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