Giant 5 Pound Stress Ball
By Ryan on 11/17/2014 10:33 AM

The giant stress and sensory ball is a huge 5 pound squishy ball that will help you squash that stress at work. Maybe you're sick of screaming into a vase to calm your nerves when you get a pile of TPS reports that need to be filed by the end of the day, or maybe the desktop punching bag just isn't cutting it anymore. The giant stress ball is perfect to calm your nerves and reduce the amount of rage in your body that might someday lead you to starting your office on fire, or taking your printer out back for a few minutes of "repairs". The giant 5 lb stress ball is made from thousands of individual gel balls, is made in the USA, is yellow in color with a black smiley face on the front, measures 6 inches x 6 inches x 6 inches, and is a perfect gift idea for a birthday, wedding, bar mitzvah, funeral, or divorce. Check out the giant stress ball in action via the videos below. [Alternate Purchase Link]