World's Best Entry Level Employee Mug
By Ryan on 12/12/2017 2:33 PM

You've done such a terrific job inputting the data into that spreadsheet, and one day you might just be promoted to director of spreadsheet data input and get a 1.3% pay increase, so shoot for the stars young employee. The World's Best Entry Level Employee mug is a coffee mug that lets your best lowest level employee know that they're doing a stand-up job and that they should keep doing the meaningless dronius tasks he does day in and day out.
Let your top entry level employee know that the fact that they will surely die early due to extreme amounts of sitting, little to no brain activity for long durations at a time, and having extremely low morale, did not go overlooked.
Your employee is doing such a great job that they're getting this white mug with standard black text on it to recognize their excellence of service over the past year.
The World's Best Entry Level Employee mug comes in a few different styles, including just a standard white coffee mug, a thermos, and even a mug with a middle finger on the bottom of it.