Spongebob SquarePants Adult Sized Onesie Pajamas
By Ryan on 11/18/2015 9:35 AM
In today's "Apparently This Is a Thing" product, we have these adult sized Spongebob Squarepants pajamas that are actually a onesie which covers pretty much your entire body. Not only are these adult SpongeBob pajamas completely absurd and most likely one of the creepiest things you can buy on Amazon, but I surely want one for myself immediately. What better way to lounge around the house than in an adult onesie with SpongeBob's giant creepy face taking up your entire chest and stomach area. Not only can these be used to sleep in, lounge in, and go to the market in, but they would make for a great lazy Halloween costume as well. I just hope the pajamas have a built in butt-flap for pooping, otherwise I'll have to make my own hole.
The adult sized Spongebob Squarepants onesie pajamas are made from 100% polyester fleece, has a zipper closure on the front of the pajamas, are officially licensed, and comes in sized ranging from small which will fit a 100-125 lb human, all the way up to a 3X-large which can miraculously fit a human that weighs up to 300-500 lbs. Now that's one scary SpongeBob!