Splat and Pow Batman Fly Swatters
By Ryan on 03/27/2014 6:15 AM

The splat and pow fly swatters bring us back to the old days of batman where instead of showing someone getting karate chopped in the throat by Robin, a big sign that says Pow, Kablamo, Plop, or Slosh would cover your screen, as the shear sight of violence in your home would set you off into a killing rampage. No longer will the flies you kill in your home be confused as to what is happening, as they see the large text that says splat, or pow coming their way in a quick manner, they will know exactly what's happening, and probably have a good laugh over it as they succumb to a slow and bitter darkness. The splat and pow batman fly swatters come in a set of 2, are made with flexible plastic, and are a great gift idea for any sweaty overweight comic book nerd.