Slo-Bowl Dog Bowl For Slow Feeding

By Ryan on 12/16/2013 10:40 AM

Slo-Bowl Dog Bowl For Slow Feeding

The Slo-Bowl is a dog food bowl that makes it more difficult for your dog to just devour his entire meal in 10 seconds without even chewing, and is designed for healthier, slower eating habits for your dog. The Slo-Bowl will prevent your dog from bloating, regurgitating, and prevent him from eating so much that he becomes just like you, mattress bound, wearing a moo-moo, washing yourself using a rag on a stick, and needing a personal assistant to roll your fat obese body over on to a tarp to defecate the 3 large pizzas you just consumed. The Slo-Bowl dog food bowl is made with high quailty food safe materials, is dishwasher safe, and comes in many different colors and designs to choose from.

Slo-Bowl Dog Bowl For Slower Feeding Slo-Bowl Dog Bowl For Slower Feeding Slo-Bowl Dog Bowl For Slower Feeding Slo-Bowl Dog Bowl For Slower Feeding Slo-Bowl Dog Bowl For Slower Feeding is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a way for websites to earn advertising revenues by advertising and linking to