Remote Control Cockroach
By Ryan on 11/07/2017 9:33 AM (Updated: 03/29/2018 1:11 PM)

Few things in this world are more disgusting than cockroaches. Everything about them is nasty. They're just nasty, pooping, nuclear holocaust surviving pests that personally creep me the hell out. So if you want to pull a good prank on people like me, just use this terrifying Remote Control Cockroach prank toy. Just don't do it to me. I'm begging you.
Versions: Cockroach | Spider
This remote control cockroach should be enough to scare anyone senseless, making them think they have a cockroach infestation. It looks just as nasty as the real thing, and you can control it right from a mini remote control from around 20-25 feet away as long as it's in direct sight of the roach.
Although the cockroach prank toy is larger than an actual cockroach, at first sight of a gullible prank victim, it will surely do the trick. It will crawl like a real cockroach and be very convincing. The only thing that you'll have to worry about is that your victim doesn't stomp it to pieces. Just make sure they get scared enough to crawl on top of a counter, instead of attempting to kill it.
A perfect gift idea for pranksters, the remote controlled cockroach will surely scare your friends, family members or strangers, because everyone hates these filthy insects. The prank cockroach robot is powered by a total of 6 button batteries for both the cockroach and remote control (3 in each), which are included in the purchase.
The remote control transmitter for the cockroach could not be easier to operate. Just drive your little bug around and scare the crap out of everyone using 2 simple buttons. There's 1 button to move it forward, and another button to turn it to the side.
Now just don't be surprised if an exterminator shows up trying to contain an infestation that isn't really there, most likely called upon by your wife or girlfriend.
Check out the remote control cockroach prank toy in action via the video below.
The remote control cockroach robot measures 6 inches long x 4 inches wide x 2 inches thick.
Are your prank victims more afraid of spiders? You're in luck! The same company also offers a remote control spider!