Oregon Trail Party Card/Board Game
By Ryan on 08/04/2016 4:47 AM
Remember shoving in a giant 8 inch floppy disk into the computer at your school that had about 1 MB of memory and playing Oregon Trail? It goes right along side Number Munchers, Odell Lake, and Carmen Sandiego. Well now you can play the classic computer game via a card game with all of your friends.
Base upon the original video game from the 80's, the Oregon Trail card game makes you attempt to complete the Oregon Trail via cards. You play as a group as you travel the trail, work together to overcome calamities, and attempt to get one member of your group to Oregon. There are also spots you must decide which person in your group must die of dysentery.
Although you can purchase it on Amazon, you can also purchase it at Target for a much cheaper price of around $13. So I would recommend going to a Target store to purchase it.
Check out the Oregon Trail card game in action via the video below.
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