MostFit Core Hammer Is a Fitness Sledgehammer
By Ryan on 04/18/2016 7:02 AM
I'm surprised there hasn't been some sort of construction celebrity like Bob Vila that's come out with a fitness program tailored around construction and using tools in their workout. Although to be honest there probably has been since I don't usually keep up on the newest available fitness programs. When smashing things with a sledgehammer, working on some construction, or just fixing some stuff around the house, you often feel like you've just worked after getting done, so why not just make that your workout. These people have taken a step in this direction with a fitness sledgehammer, which doesn't actually work as a sledgehammer but takes the form and the way you use it to make it into its own little slice of fitness.
The fitness sledgehammer is quite similar to the workout that already exists with people that take an actual sledgehammer to a giant tire, but in this case it's a specially made sledgehammer thats soft on the end of it so that it won't actually smash anything (besides those calories you burn). Plus you don't need a tire as you can smash it on anything like your patio, a brick wall, or your enemy's car. Although using it indoors might not be recommended.
Perfect for a full body workout with a plethora of different exercises that you can do with it, the MostFit Core Hammer as it's called engages all of your muscles and challenges your cardiovascular system, and is great for athletes all the way down to just casual exercisers.
The Core Hammer fitness sledgehammer is made from durable plastic with a fiberglass handle, is made in America, can withstand extreme force, and comes in either 8 lbs or 12 lbs depending on how extreme you want your sledgehammer workout to be.
Check out the Core Hammer fitness sledgehammer in action via the video below.
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