Miito: A Water Heater That Heats Up Just The Water That's In Your Cup
By Ryan on 05/14/2015 3:37 AM

It is a little known fact that if you take the extra energy that gets wasted heating up kettles for an entire day, that energy could light up all the street lights in London for an entire night. Miito works like a water kettle would except that it heats up just the water that's in your cup instead of a whole kettle that will most likely go to waste. Simply fill your cup with water, place it on to the induction base, dip the metal rod into your cup, and turn the device on. The base will heat up the rod, thus heating the water surrounding the rod. The heat up time will vary depending on the size of your drinking vessel, but Miito can heat up a glass of water within 60 seconds or a kettle within in 2 and half minutes.
Miito's modern and elegant design makes it much easier to look at than a crusty old kettle or a loud and inefficient microwave, plus it's extremely versatile so it can work with an array of different sizes and shapes of drinking vessels including cups, tea-cups, mugs, kettles, coffee pots, pitchers, etc...
The Miito water heating rod is made from stainless steel, whereas the base is made from plastic with a glass top, the rod is easily cleaned using just the faucet and the base can just be wiped clean with a wet cloth. The rod measures 11 inches long x 1.8 inches wide, and the base measures 7.5 inches in diameter x 1.8 inches deep.
The Miito is currently in a successful funding phase on Kickstarter with an estimated delivery date of April 2016, so go reserve yours now, and be sure to check out the Miito in action via the video below.
- via werd
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