This Light-Up Alpine Sled Makes For Great Night-time sledding
By Ryan on 12/16/2015 8:52 AM

Sure, day time sledding is great and all, but night-time sledding is even better. You run the chance of not seeing a jump and getting whiplash or even some slight to moderate spinal cord injuries. This Bavarian-style performance sled has LED lights attached to it that illuminate the sled, which in essence is not particularly useful to you as the rider, but more-so useful for a parent or really anyone watching the idiot sledding down a hill in the dark. Engineered in Germany, the night-time light-up sled uses a steering wheel that controls a front ski that provides extremely responsive maneuverability in any type of snow condition.
The light-up alpine sled is made from high-density polyethylene that's able to endure extreme schussing and able to obtain great speeds while making a straight and somewhat safe trip down a hill. The sled is also able to hold up to two people at a time, has runners that are mounted on the bottom of the sled so that even younger riders can achieve the tight handling and cornering the sled provides at high speeds.
The light-up alpine sled has an on/off switch that turns on an array of 16 LED lights that illuminate the sled, is able to support up to 250 lbs of weight, includes a tow-rope for easy transport back up the hill, is safe for ages 8 and up, and measures 43 inches long x 18.5 inches wide x 13.5 inches tall.