Ultimate Steak Thermometer Uses an LED Light To Tell You When Steak Is Done
By Ryan on 12/18/2018 10:25 AM

How many times have you gone to take a bite of your steak that you meant to cook as rare, but it comes out extremely well done, and as chewy as a dog toy? This unique meat thermometer will not only give you the perfect temperature inside your meat every-time, but will even notify you with a blinking LED light whether it's currently medium-rare, medium, or medium-well.
To use it, simply stab the ultimate steak thermometer into the center of your meat, and cook your steak like you normally would. Once the LED light on the device starts blinking, that means it's safe to take off the grill to consume. When it blinks green, the steak is medium-rare, when it blinks yellow, it's medium, and when it blinks red, your steak is medium-well.
The ultimate steak thermometer takes the temperature of your steak throughout the length of the meat, so that it's not just getting the temperature from the end of it, or just the center. This method gives you a perfectly cooked steak throughout the entire piece of meat.
Not only great for steaks, the blinking LED light meat thermometer works just as well for fish, pork, lamb, beef, game, or even poultry. Plus, it can be used on the grill, in a frying pan, or even in the oven or broiler.
The ultimate steak thermometer has a heat-resistance of up to 900 degrees F, is powered by a built-in battery that will last for up to 20 years (based on cooking one steak per week), and even has an auto-off function that will turn the device off when not in use to save power.
A perfect gift idea for any cooking lover, Dad, or meat lover, the ultimate steak thermometer is made out of high-grade stainless steel along with rugged internal electronics made from the highest of quality materials out of Germany.
The LED light meat thermometer can even be used with a single thermometer when you're cooking multiple steaks, since all steaks will be cooked evenly, given they are all on even heat and put on at the same time.
Check out the Steak Champ ultimate steak thermometer in action via the video below.