This Giant Jansport Backpack Is Perfect For Packing Just The Essentials
By Ryan on 12/06/2020 8:05 PM

From what we could gather, this ridiculously gigantic Jansport backpack was a novelty bag they used to make for giveaways and such. But lucky for you there are still some available on Ebay that pop up from time to time. Able to hold a family of 5 inside of it, this massive Jansport backpack is perfect to take on a hiking trip so that you could essentially bring everything from home to enjoy out in nature, including your couch and a big screen television.
The giant Jansport backpack could also come in handy for one bag limits for traveling, sneaking drugs or booze into a music festival, or just hauling a family over the border from Mexico.
The humongous Jansport backpack looks to come in two different giant sizes, one of which is around 5 feet tall and 2-3 feet out from your body when fully filled, and another smaller yet still stupidly huge backpack that looks to be around 3 feet long and 1-2 feet out from your body when fully filled.
It also looks like the smaller pocket on the outside of the bigger bag is about the size of a regular Jansport backpack, so I don't expect you to run out of room anytime soon.
Check out the gigantic Jansport backpack in action via the video below.
There's another giant backpack that was sold by Hammacher Schlemmer, but at the time of this writing, it seems to be sold out. So until the next giant backpack is sold by someone else, it seems that this is the best you're going to get.
Update: we did find a store selling giant Jansport backpacks. They're not exactly the size as the one's in most of the pictures here, but they're still pretty massive in relation to normal sized bags. You can find them on a store called 1st Dibs, and they're pretty spendy at over 900 bucks.
Courtesy of 1st Dibs
Courtesy of 1st Dibs
Courtesy of 1st Dibs
Courtesy of 1st Dibs
Courtesy of 1st Dibs
Courtesy of 1st Dibs