Dancing Donald Trump Bluetooth Speaker

By Ryan on 03/13/2018 1:58 PM (Updated: 07/31/2019 11:00 AM)

Dancing Donald Trump Bluetooth Speaker

Have you ever hoped to see The Donald do a little dance and serenade you with his graceful moves on the dance floor? Chances are that's not going to happen since downing 12 cans of Diet Coke per day puts a damper on your health and lifestyle. But this dancing Donald Trump speaker will surely dance for you.

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This Donald Trump Bluetooth speaker dances as music comes out of it. To use it, just connect it via Bluetooth to your smart phone tablet or laptop, and play music wirelessly to the speaker located in the presidents head. As music comes out he'll dance slowly back and forth just like you did at your middle school dances.

Dancing Donald Trump Bluetooth Speaker - Robotic Dancing President Speaker

Not only able to just play music, the dancing Trump speaker robot can even help you answer your calls hands-free, as he has a microphone right on the front of his face. As you talk with someone using the robot president's integrated speaker and microphone he'll dance back and forth to your beautiful voices.

Dancing Donald Trump Bluetooth Speaker - Robotic Dancing President Speaker

Would you rather not see the president dance while you listen to music on the President speaker? I don't blame you, it ain't pretty. Just press the dance on/off button on the side of his face to turn his dance moves on or off.

Dancing Donald Trump Bluetooth Speaker - Robotic Dancing President Speaker

The dancing Donald Trump Bluetooth speaker is made from ABS plastic, has a maximum playback time of 5 hours (with 10 hours of standby time), and is easily recharged using the included micro-USB cord and port located on the side of the presidents head.

Dancing Donald Trump Bluetooth Speaker - Robotic Dancing President Speaker

Check out the dancing Trump Bluetooth speaker in action via the video below.

Dancing Donald Trump Bluetooth Speaker - Robotic Dancing President Speaker

Dancing Donald Trump Bluetooth Speaker - Robotic Dancing President Speaker

Dancing Donald Trump Bluetooth Speaker - Robotic Dancing President Speaker

Dancing Donald Trump Bluetooth Speaker - Robotic Dancing President Speaker

Dancing Donald Trump Bluetooth Speaker - Robotic Dancing President Speaker

Dancing Donald Trump Bluetooth Speaker - Robotic Dancing President Speaker

Dancing Donald Trump Bluetooth Speaker - Robotic Dancing President Speaker

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