Carpet Rug Alarm Clock
By Ryan on 06/21/2013 2:06 PM
The carpet rug alarm clock is a concept designed by the designers: Sofie Collin & Gustav Lanberg and is a little alarm clock rug that you place by your bed and when the alarm turns on you have to get up and stand on it to turn the alarm off. Although, everyone knows that you will just flop your body over and shut it off with your hands, and shimmy your way back up to the bed, or just find a heavy rock and put it beside your carpet alarm clock and slide it over the alarm when it goes off, but really at that point, you're just a wasted life, you've boughten an alarm clock that makes you get up, but have found a way to continue sleeping through it, why did you even buy this alarm clock? What are you an idiot?
Although this carpet alarm clock is just a concept design, here is a similar Alarm Clock Rug that is available on Amazon.