500 Pre-Made Paper Airplanes
By Ryan on 02/09/2016 9:57 AM

Paper airplanes are great and all, but taking 30 seconds out of my day to make one isn't likely to happen. Well luckily this guy pre-folds and makes paper airplanes for you so you don't have to. In fact he makes them in bulk, so if you were by chance in need of 100, 200, and even up to 500 paper airplanes for whatever reason, he'll make them and send them off to you in a giant box I presume. Now I'm not sure what exactly someone would need 500 paper airplanes for, but to be honest I'd love to watch the outcome. I think I would probably either dump them all off a building/bridge, or somehow sneak them into a sports stadium and throw one every 10 seconds onto the field.
Made by the Etsy store PaperAirplaneGifts, who specializes in... you guessed it, paper airplanes, the pre-folded paper airplanes come in either 100, 200, or 500 packages, and come in either small, medium, or large sizes to choose from. Each paper airplane is used with a single sheet of paper that varies in size depending on the size you choose, is folded with care by hand, and then stuck together so it doesn't fall apart using non-toxic glue.