3D Printed Replica Of Your Unborn Fetus
By Ryan on 01/22/2014 10:17 AM

A company called 3D-Babies will 3D print you a replica of your unborn baby, just send them 1-5 pictures from your ultrasound and they will create an artistic representation of your unborn baby. All of your nightmares can finally come true. Now when you go to sleep at night you can have a baby fetus staring back at you, asking why you drank that coffee this morning... Why you smoked that cigarette this afternoon... Why you had 3 shots of tequilla during lunch... Lets just hope you don't get your 3D printed fetus back with a untangled coat hanger stuck in it's head. The 3D printed replica of your fetus comes in three different sizes, a mini fetus which costs $200, a half sized fetus which costs $400, and a lifesize fetus which will cost you $600, and don't worry, you can select it to have a penis or not, and what color skin it should have.